SVA Mini-Comics Show
I dropped by the Fresh Meat show at SVA on Saturday. The rain kept some people in, but it was a decent enough crowd. I walked away with about $20 worth of min-comics and I know Heidi did the same. Some of my favorites were David McGuire, Hyeondo Park and Yali Lin. I'd mention a whole lot more but these artists don't have Web sites. ? How can you be an artist and not have a portolio site. Ridiculous.
Hi there. Just want to thank you for attending SVA's Freshmeat and mentioning us here. Please feel free to check out Cartoon Allies' new website www.cartoonallies.org to keep up to date on our other activites.
-Nina Kester
President Cartoon Allies
I drew the comic "Full Moon." Here is a link to my site. www.jorgezevallos.deviantart.com/gallery
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