Wednesday, November 15, 2006

To do in NYC this weekend

To do this weekend in NYC:

There's a shit-ton of comics-related events going on this weekend.

The headliner is the Big Apple Con, which boasts such highlights as: Adam West, Val Kilmer, the entire cast of the Warriors and Aaron Douglas from BSG. Oh, and comics persons too: Both John Romitas, Bernie Wrightson, Travis Charest and a bunch more. I'm sure there will also be at least 2 former pro wrestlers and 5 female adult entertainers*.

I wasn't going to go, but after typing all this I might reconsider. $15, though.

* and by "entertainers" I mean porn stars**

** and by "porn stars" I mean people dressed in next-to-nothing, which 1) makes it very awkward to walk past them at the show 2) makes it even more awkward because there's a crowd gawking

My personal recommendation is the Saturday Morning Cartoons exhibit at MoCCA, which opens on...Saturday.

I have to admit that I'm biased here because seven cels I own are going to be in the show. From which shows? Well, you'll have to wait for the video report, won't you?

Gabrielle Bell's release party at Rocketship. Let me just say something. I love Rocketship. Alex and Mary are tops and incredibly nice to boot.

(sidenote: I moved jobs in July and so my previous LCS, Midtown Comics, was no longer convenient. Now I'm forced to go to Cosmic Comics, which is painful. I know, I know - Midtown is huge and they don't *need* my support like Cosmic does. But I don't care. For most of the times I've gone, the people that work at Cosmic were assholes).

Which brings me back to my point. Alex and Mary are not assholes. You should go to the Gabrielle Bell show, even if I'm not. (sorry).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Mark Kardwell said...

Tim - you gotta switch on the verification doo-dah and get rid of all this comment spam.

And "shit-ton"?

4:45 PM  
Blogger Tim Leong said...

Heard on the comments, Mark. It has now been adjusted.

Is shit-ton only in the Leong vernacular? I thought that was one of those phrases...? er, no?

4:53 PM  
Blogger Alex! said...

Hey Tim-

You will be missed at the Bell party! It's our first parrty with live music... alas!

Next time, next time....

5:46 PM  

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