These sure are some confusing times. With the change in the release date and other mysteries abound, allow me to clarify some things.
When does the issue come out? Sept. 5th, right?Wrong. Sorry, chap. The good news is that there's no need to wait. You can get your grubby hands on an issue tomorrow, Aug. 22nd.
So tell me more about his "magazine" of yours. Why isn't it in color?I'd love for it to be in color. I think it works well in black and white, but color would add a layer of depth and information that can't be conveyed in black and white. We're already working on ways to go color for the next issue.
Next issue?Ah, yes. We're going quarterly in 2008.
You keep saying it's in between Wizard and The Comics Journal. Kinda like Maxim, right?Well, it
is between Wizard and TCJ content-wise. CF covers both mainstream and indie projects, but I definitely wouldn't call it like Maxim. Maxim deals in lowest common denominator thinking and has no real interest in building a female audience. I'd say we're more of a mix between Wired and Entertainment Weekly. You know, but with comics.
I guess that makes are the print stories like what your online issue have been like?Hmm. Not really. The website was originally concepted to be an educational and teaching site. As such, a lot of the stories had an educational spin to them. The site slowly moved from that but I still don't think it's exactly like the print edition. That's part of my reasoning for the magazine — because I couldn't execute my ideas online the way I could in print. So, while I'm proud of the work we did online, I don't think it's completely representative of the new print magazine.
What else do you have on the horizon?Well, we're relaunching our website soon, but we're also having a
LAUNCH PARTY next Wednesday, Aug. 29th. It's at Irish Rogue at 356 W. 44th st. - Upstairs. It'll be from 6 till whenever.
That sounds fun...Of course it'll be fun! We'll have gift bags. Gift bags! What party can be lame if they have gift bags?
C'mon, level with me. You really did cry in that video blog you did, right?No!!!!!!!!!